Qlik Enterprise Manager – Upgrading from 2021.05 to 2022.11

As a business requirement of developers wanting to take advantage of new features in Qlik Enterprise Manager (QEM); we had to upgrade our system from 2021.05 to 2022.11.

This was not a smooth process and encountered several issues on the way.

First Attempt – Straight Upgrade

Simple to upgrade?

Just download the latest installer from Qlik’s website and kick it off?

Unfortunately when I gave developers keys to our dev QEM box to do the upgrade before Christmas as I was busy with other tasks.  

They gave it a go without a backout plan.  

Couple of days later I tried logging into the QEM console and couldn’t get on.

The AttunityEnterpriseManager service kept restarting every minute and the following errors were in the  C:\Program Files\Attunity\Enterprise Manager\data\logs\EnterpriseManager.log

[START: 2023-03-01 09:40:18 Attunity EnterpriseManager Version: 2022.11.0.335]
1 2023-01-02 09:40:18 [Command ] [INFO ] Executing ServiceRunCommand command.
6 2023-01-02 09:40:19 [Host ] [INFO ] Setting up web host
6 2023-01-02 09:40:20 [Host ] [INFO ] The server will listen on the following location: http://xxxxxxx.xxx.xxx/attunityenterprisemanager
6 2023-01-02 09:40:20 [Host ] [INFO ] The server will listen on the following location: https://xxxxxx.xxx.xxx/attunityenterprisemanager
6 2023-01-02 09:40:20 [Host ] [ERROR] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
6 2023-01-02 09:40:20 [Host ] [INFO ] Stopping service on error...

I tried the usual desperation tricks of restarting the service and then restarting the box.

In the end I had to uninstall QEM and reinstall 2021.05 as there was no backout plan.

The developers were then subsequently banned from doing anymore work on the QEM upgrade

Second attempt – Two jump upgrade

Next attempt was upgrading to 2022.05 and then jumping to 2022.11.

This time I took a backup of C:Program FilesAttunityEnterprise Managerdata so I could easily backout the change if I had problems.

The upgrade from 2021.05 to 2022.05 went smoothly; but when jumping from 2022.05 to 2022.11 the same error occurred.

I then raised a case with Qlik and also posted on their forum asking if anyone else had come across this problem.

Final Success

With help from Qlik support we developed a upgrade work around.  Qlik said that there is a patch in the works as other users have had the same problem.

If you follow along – note that this method might differ for your system.  In the three upgrades I have done internally; they all differed slightly.

Make sure you TEST and HAVE A BACKOUT PLAN

Upgrade Perquisites

This upgrade was done on a Windows 2019 server.

You will need:

  • Admin rights to QEM’s server
  • Licenses for QEM and Analytics
  • Username/Password that AEM connects to the analytics database
  • Privilege user account for to the analytics database
  • Password for the user that you use to connect QR nodes to QEM
  • A SQLite database client
  • Handy to have – an editor that can validate json format


  1. Log on to QEM console
  2. For each server under the server tab – Right click and go to “Stop Monitoring”
  3. Remote desktop to the QEM server
  4. Stop the AttunityEnterpriseManager service
  5. Back up C:\Program Files\Attunity\Enterprise Manager\data
  6. Run the upgrade to QEM 2022.05
  7. Once the upgrade is done; log onto QEM and ensure that version 2022.05 is working correctly
  8. Back up C:Program FilesAttunityEnterprise Managerdata again
  9. Stop the AttunityEnterpriseManager service again
  10. Run following command from the command line:
    cd "C:\Program Files\Attunity\Enterprise Manager\bin"
    aemctl repository export -f C:\temp\qem_repo_202205.json -w

  11. Script out the postgres database with the following commands:
    cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL10\bin
    pg_dump -U <username> -s -C -c <analyticdbname> > C:\temp\analyticdbname.sql

  12. Edit C:\temp\cdcanalyticsp.sql.  Find and replace “<analyticdbname>” with “cdcanalytics_2022_11_p”.  Save the file
  13. Run the following command to create a new temporary database on the postgres server:
    psql -d postgres -U <username> -f C:\temp\cdcanalyticsp.sql

  14. This is where the problem lies in our instance.  Open up C:tempqem_repo_202205.json
    Find any code blocks with “type”: “AttunityLicense” in it and remove the whole code block.
    1. On our dev system it was the section with “name”: “Replication Analytics”, but in prod it was section with “name”: “Replication Management”.  
    2. You may need to experiment to find the correct section
  15. Go to Add/Remove and uninstall Enterprise manager
  16. Once remove – delete the the folder C:\Program Files\Attunity\Enterprise Manager\data
  17. Install QEM 2022.11.  When prompted do not install Postgres
  18. Log into QEM and check that it is up and running correctly.
  19. Stop the AttunityEnterpriseManager service again
  20. Run the following command:
    aemctl repository import -f C:\temp\qem_repo_202205_Fix.json -w

  21. Start the AEM service and check that it is running correctly
  22. Re-add the QEM and Analytics license 
  23. Go to Settings -> Repository connections.
    Enter in username password set the database as cdcanalytics_2022_11_p
  24. Intialize the repository and start the connector
  25. Stop the AttunityEnterpriseManager service again
  26. Open up C:\Program Files\Attunity\Enterprise Manager\data\Java\GlobalRepository.sqlite in an SQLite editor
  27. Browse the table objects
    Look for name = “AnalyticsConfiguration” and modify the json value “cdcanalytics_2022_11_p” to the original analytics database name
  28. Save SQLite database
  29. Start the AEM service and check that it is running correctly
  30. Go to the server tab.  Edit each server and re-add the password.  Click on the button “Monitor this server’s tasks and messages”.  Test the connection and click OK
  31. PVT QEM

If things go wrong

Backout process

  1. Uninstall QEM
  2. Delete the folder C:\Program Files\Attunity\Enterprise Manager\data
  3. Reinstall either QEM 2021.05 or QEM 2022.05
  4. Stop the AttunityEnterpriseManager service
  5. Restore the appropriate backed up data folder to C:\Program Files\Attunity\Enterprise Manager\data
  6. Restart the AEM service