
Easter-lily Cacti – Beauty amongst the spines

Years ago – my sister gave me an Easter Lilly cactus (Echinopsis oxygona) in a pot.  It was one of the first cactus I owned.

Then I forgot about it and neglected it over winter.

A year later I had a closer look at it; and the little neglected cactus has grown and there were heaps of cacti pups growing off the original plant.

So with tongs, welding gloves and a towel; I divided the pups off the mother plant and gave them their own individual pots.

The rest is history and after 10 years of growing and dividing cacti – I have over hundred individual cacti plants.  It has become an prickly issue with my wife as she claims I have a hording issue.

But I think there are definitely worse things to to “hoard” than cacti.

Plus they have absolutely beautiful flowers; with a very subtle yet pleasant perfume.

The bees are also on team cacti and early in the morning when the lily type flowers open; they get in early.

Caring for Easter Lilly Cacti

These cacti is pretty forgiving and simple to care for in South Eastern Australia:

  • Place the pot in a warm sunny position that get about 6+ hours a day
  • For watering:
    • In the peak of summer; water once a week with a quick shower of water from the hose.
    • In the milder months – once every two to three weeks
    • In the winter; let the natural rain rain water them; unless it is a particularly dry winter
  • Once a year in the spring; give them a feed of slow release fertiliser.
  • When the cactus starts to outgrow its pot; transplant into a larger pot using well draining soil.  You can buy cacti potting mix from nurseries.