Let’s see if we can get them talking to each other
Working on Postgres Config files
First modification is needed is to the postgresql.conf for the postgres docker image. If you were following the docker-compose.yml in my previous post; you can find the file under:
The following changes need to be made in postgresql.conf as found in the Qlik documentation
wal_level = logical
max_replication_slots = 3 # max number of replication slots
Now to added the following lines to
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
local replication all trust
host replication all trust
host replication all ::1/128 trust
Once done – the docker container needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Setting up QR
Log into QR using the address:
Create a new postgres connection
Fill out the following fields:
Username from the docker-compose.yml file for postgres
Password from the docker-compose.yml for postgres
Database from docker-compose.yml for postgres
From here a QR task can be built to read from the postgres database
This error gives us problems; I can’t resume the task as the error re-appears. I can’t even start it from the stream position and must rely on restarting the QR task from a timestamp, which is extremely dangerous with the chance of missing out on data for that split of a second.
I suspect the problem is that the “staging” file on the QR server gets corrupted mid write when the server fails and when resume; QR can’t parse it.
But trying to recreate the problem in a safe environment to diagnose it is tricky. Our DTL environment doesn’t create enough traffic to trigger the issue. Also, I don’t want to be abruptly turning off our DTL QR servers and interrupting other people’s testing. As for trying to recreate the problem in production – the pain of all the red tape is not worth the effort.
I needed a safer space to work in. A space when I can pump through large volumes of data through QR and kick the QR service around trying to provoke the error. Armed with my little Linux VM – docker containers was the answer.
CentOS? Why CentOS?
My goal was to build a Docker container with Qlik Replicate and Postgres drivers so I can use it on my Linux VM.
Following the instructions I ran into some initial problems. The first major problem was using the Cent OS docker image. The issue was that I must use the packages in my company’s artifactory and not external packages. Although the company had CentOS; there was no other packages available to update and install. Since my VM cannot reach http://vault.centos.org; the CentOS image was a lame duck.
With CentOS off the cards, I had to use Redhat image that my company provided. With Redhat – the artifactory had all the packages that I needed.
The second problem was that I was wanting to use the 2023.11 image to match our environment. With 2023.11 there are some extra steps needed in the docker file compared to 2024.05. The differences is notated on Qlik’s support article.
The Dockerfile
Here is the Dockerfile
FROM my.companys.repo/redhat/ubi9
ENV QLIK_REPLICATE_BASE_DIR=/opt/attunity/replicate/
ENV ReplicateDataFolder=/replicate/data
ENV ReplicateAdminPassword=AB1gL0ngPa33w0rd
ENV ReplicateRestPort=3552
ENV LicenseFile=/tmp/replicate_license_exp2025-06-29_ser60038556.txt
# Copy across installation packages and licenses
ADD postgresql*.rpm /tmp/
ADD areplicate-*.rpm /tmp/
ADD systemctl /usr/sbin
ADD replicate_license_exp2025-06-29_ser60038556.txt /tmp/
# Update packages
RUN dnf -y update
RUN dnf makecache
# To get ps command
RUN dnf -y install procps-ng
RUN dnf -y install unixODBC unzip
RUN dnf -y install libicu.x86_64
RUN rm -f /etc/odbcinst.ini
# Installing posgres packages
RUN rpm -ivh /tmp/postgresql13-libs-13.9-1PGDG.rhel9.x86_64.rpm
RUN rpm -ivh /tmp/postgresql13-odbc-13.02.0000-2PGDG.rhel9.x86_64.rpm
RUN rpm -ivh /tmp/postgresql13-13.9-1PGDG.rhel9.x86_64.rpm
ADD odbcinst.ini /etc/
# Installing Qlik Replicate
RUN systemd=no yum -y install /tmp/areplicate-2023.11.0-468.x86_64.rpm
RUN yum clean all
RUN rm -f /tmp/areplicate-*.rpm
RUN export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/attunity/replicate/lib:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
RUN echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/pgsql-13/lib:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >> /opt/attunity/replicate/bin/site_arep_login.sh
ADD start_replicate.sh /opt/attunity/replicate/bin/start_replicate.sh
RUN chmod 775 /opt/attunity/replicate/bin/start_replicate.sh
RUN chown attunity:attunity /opt/attunity/replicate/bin/start_replicate.sh
RUN source $QLIK_REPLICATE_BASE_DIR/bin/arep_login.sh >>~attunity/.bash_profile
ENTRYPOINT /opt/attunity/replicate/bin/start_replicate.sh ${ReplicateDataFolder} ${ReplicateAdminPassword} ${ReplicateRestPort} ${LicenseFile} ; tail -f /dev/null
The postgres packages can be obtained from https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/13/redhat/rhel-9-x86_64/