
Constructive Terrorism – Seed bombs

“Seed bombs” – or their more politically correct name “Seed balls” or “Earth Balls” consists of seeds rolled up with clay and soil, dried and then can used as an easy way to distribute seeds.

Research suggested that the ancient Egyptians used this method to store seeds to then repair and resow farms after the annual Nile floods.

The technique was rediscovered by the Japanese government in WW2; looking for a way to increase food production in mountainous area without taking away land that was used for rice production. 

“Seed Bombs” gained their nefarious name from the “Green Guerrillas” from New York in the ’70s who used “Seed Grenades” to turn vacant or abandon land into community gardens (quite often  choosing to avoid going through the correct authorities)

Making Your own Seed Bombs

Two videos I used to as a guide to make “Seed Bombs”.

Candide – is short and to the point for a quick overview:

Gardener Scott – has more details and gave me the idea of using Clay based kitty litter:

Seed Bomb targets

  • Plant in a pot
  • Throw into a bare part of your garden
  • Throw into Grandma’s garden when she’s not looking
  • Throw into vacant blocks that look a bit bland

No go areas

  • Native bushlands
  • Public gardens
  • Other people’s garden without permission (excluding Grandma’s garden)
  • Medium strips in roads (too dangerous)