Qlik Replicate – “SYS-E-HTTPFAIL, SYS-E-UNRECREQ, Unrecognized request pattern” problem

After a weekend of patching in our dev environment; we came in to discover that half of our Qlik Replicate Nodes were offline in Enterprise manager with the following error message

4 2022-08-08 13:19:24 [ServerDto      ] [ERROR] Test connection failed for server:MY_QRNODE. Message:'SYS-E-HTTPFAIL, SYS-E-UNRECREQ, Unrecognized request pattern 'GET: /servers/local/adusers/devdomain/qlik_user?directory_lookup=false'..'.

We could still access the node through their individual node’s web gui and the tasks were still happily running in the background.  The other half of our QR nodes were still online in Enterprise manager

The usual troubleshooting of restarting the services and restarting the server didn’t fix the problem; and the patching team washed their hands of the problem.  (I can’t really list the patches they applied due to security issues)

A database administrator mentioned it might be a TLS problem as the server team has been changing TLS settings in various places.  This lead me to comparing the connection settings between a QR node that was working to not working (we checked other things like patch levels etc).

Some servers had the username in domainusername format; while others didn’t.  Coincidentally the ones who had the  domainusername format were the ones not working,

Removing the domain section of the username resolved the problem.

So not sure what in the patching caused this issue; but something we have to check on our prod servers before the patches are applied to them.